

幾天來不務正業,天天看電影。把Brosnan的幾部007又重看了一遍,沒腦子,可是看的時候好玩得很,只是看完又覺得悶,把Die Hard 4和三部Bourne又重看了一遍,一邊看一邊罵自己,可是還要一邊去泡論壇,看人家七嘴八舌地在說些什麼。有時候自己反省,這一堆偷懶和躲避現實的毛病究竟是有什麼根源呢?還是它們自己就已經是答案了?嘆氣呢。


今天繼續八Matt Damon,八回他出道的片子Good Will Hunting,裡面的女演員Minnie Driver曾經當過他的女朋友,然後看見Driver說他在Oprah上公開甩她,因為其時他已經開始了跟Winona Ryder搭上了,時間是1998年1月。左右看了一圈,似乎並沒有Damon公開否認這個指控的文章。我是自從Good Will Hunting就很喜歡這位演員,到了Mr. Talented Ripley,Departed和Bourne就更不用說了,他的才華自然是毫無疑問的,人品應該也是一等的,從他挑的太太和幸福的家庭生活就可以看得出來,所以看見這個八卦,心裡還是疙瘩了一下,不過轉念一想,人總有年少輕狂的時候嘛,只是心裡還是有些懷疑。於是繼續挖了幾個坑,其中有一個提到Damon到1999年12月才第一次正面回應這個指控,說Oprah之前的三個星期已經與對方分手,2002年10月再有人問起,他說這是一個大教訓,以後他就更加小心地將自己的私生活與媒體隔離,他現在已經不怎麼讀報了,寧願在無知的福氣中生活。因為喜歡Damon,我自然是願意相信後面的版本,想想這個麻煩的分手和後面出名麻煩的Ryder,真是難怪他挑了個跟影視圈完全沒有關係的老婆。

這個八卦帶出來一個100個名人醜聞的單子,其中有Clinton,Diana,Kieslowski,Manson, Simpson, Jackson,等等,Damon的分手事件名列第90,第100位是他的下任女友在商場行竊,可憐的Damon。然後就開始看Hugh Grant的嫖妓案,以前似乎在什麼地方讀過這個舊聞,但是不記得事主的名字。雖然一直喜歡他的喜劇角色,但是真正喜歡他倒是在看過他在Actors Studio做的訪談之後,沒有了劇本和導演,他比任何時候都更有趣。wiki裡有詳細的事件描述,真是笑死人:

Arrest with Hugh Grant

On June 27, 1995, Thompson and British actor Hugh Grant were arrested together in Los Angeles; Thompson was performing oral sex on the actor in his car at the time. Grant had flashed the lights of his BMW at her, and she had gone into a side street to meet with him. Thompson's charge for going to her hotel room was $100; Grant only had $60 on him, so they agreed she would perform her service in the car. According to Thompson, the attention of a policeman was alerted by Grant repeatedly pressing the brake pedal of his BMW with his foot, causing the brake lights to flash.

Charged with lewd conduct, she pled no contest on September 6, 1995. In addition to being ordered to attend an AIDS class and perform five days of community service, she was fined $1150 for parole violations and sentenced to 180 days in jail.



Thompson has been reported to have earned a total of $1.6 million from publicity related to her arrest with Grant. As a result, she and her manager, partner and father of her children, Alvin C. "Gangsta" Brown, bought a four-bedroom home in Beverly Hills and became affluent. Thompson has said the money she earned from interviews and endorsements after the infamous 1995 interrupted dalliance has allowed her to put her daughters through private school. "Everything worked out for the better," she said in 2007: "It helped me turn it into something positive … I was blessed that it could get me out of that lifestyle."

Grant, asked in a 2003 Times interview about how he viewed his encounter with Thompson in retrospect, said, "I think, ultimately, the pros and cons about evened out, actually. I remember saying to my agent the night of the event – I was very drunk – 'Is this bad for my career?' He was a very Hollywood guy, for whom everything is fantastic, and even he [...] had to say: 'Oh, it's not great.' But on the other hand, there were odd things coming out of it that were quite positive, in a way. So I have to say, in all honesty, I think it was kind of neutral."

媒體真是造福人類呢,馬上就妓女從良,供養孩子進私立學校,現實比小說還要精彩,這邊廂上演現代賣花女,那邊廂Grant的明星生涯絲毫無損,大團圓結局。繼續點了兩下,居然看見Grant跟一箇中國女子生下女兒,男方這邊說是fleeting affair,有中文報道說戀情可能超過一年,這倒是不關我們的事,好玩的是Grant得了個私生女也不憚到處去講,可見現在人人都很想得開,這倒是和諧社會的好兆頭。

繼續點,Grant偷錄與前狗仔隊談話錄音,引發電話竊聽大調查,好象是兩個月前The Economist提到這個調查,依乎是站在媒體這一邊的。醜聞雖然也好玩,一個個看起來太費力,好玩的倒是些不相干的細節:

McMullan claims he was paid £3,000 by the Mail on Sunday for his story and photo about Grant’s breakdown. "I ought to thank you for that," McMullan told him.


At one point, McMullan asks Grant, “You're not taping, are you?”

Grant: [slightly shrill voice] No.


The former adversaries apparently got along pretty well. “Absurdly, I felt a bit guilty for recording him,” Grant concluded.


網上不少人討論錄音裡提到的那位60多歲的曾經當過妓女的當紅女星究竟是誰,冒出來的名字裡面有Joanna Lumley和Helen Mirren,不過今天已經八夠了。從前在學校的書店裡跟一幫窮孩子站著看書,書店下班,店員極客氣地說:今日關門,明日請早。呵呵,明日也許再來罷。